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Tree Preservation Order: 1009 (2022)

27 Shrublands Brookmans Park Hatfield AL9 7AL

for the continued amenity of the area following a review of the landscape.

Type Count Identifier Species
Individual 1 Oak
Individual 1 Oak
Individual 1 Oak

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Tree Preservation Order - Correspondence
TPO Order_1009 (2022)(1).docx (1773 kb) TPO Order 23/11/2022
Application Number Proposal Decision
6/2022/2345/TPO Periodic reduction to the crowns of Oaks T2, T3 and T4 by 30% to prior pruning points. Such action will preserve health, shape and size of trees, as well as to minimise localised seasonal shrink/swell within the zone of influence of the roots of these trees. TPO 495 (2015) Granted
6/2020/0655/TPO Reduce crowns of 3x Oak trees (T2, T3 and T4) (TPO 495) by 30% Prior Approval Required and Granted
6/2019/2718/TPO Reduce 1x Oak tree (T2) by 30% Fell 2x Oak tree (T3 and T4) Refused
495 (2015) for the continued amenity of the land.
S6/1978/0512/ Two detached houses with double garages Refused